Adult affiliate stats for 2009

Well, I made it through another year. I hope you did too. However, a lot of adult webmasters left the biz after the recession monster reared it’s ugly head early in the year. Like many, I panicked, so I did what I thought was best. I buckled down, quit World of Warcraft, and started putting in some full days. I doubled my daily submits, tried more paid TGP partner accounts, and opened new sites/blogs. The end result was more traffic and higher ratios, but in the end my sales grew 2.69% over 2008. Considering the economic climate I think that’s pretty good. Here’s a breakdown of what’s what.

As you can see, Stats Remote shows my traffic to sponsors (blue bars) go up during the year. *Please note* the Y axis is off by a factor of 10, and should show 400,000 and not 40,000. The $$$ sales (green bars) takes a dip early but somewhat recovers for a total of $92,379. The vast majority of traffic and income comes from submitting TGP galleries. Tough year, and lots of extra work involved. I think there’s lots more to come as well.

Now here is my actual $$$ received and expenses. The difference between sales reported in the first graph and the income in this graph is essentially check fees in the amount of $9234, mostly from CCbill which is the biggie.

My overall expenses were $8364, which I get to write off on my taxes. The four biggest categories were Advertising (TGP partner accounts), Dedicated Hosting (I now have 2 servers), Domains (have 100+ now), and Subscriptions (Stats Remote, Chameleon Submitters, Thunderball Network, and a Corel graphics program).

That pretty much does it. Hours are flexible, but I probably average just under 40 hours a week. I guess I’ve been spoiled by the easy years.

8 Responses to “Adult affiliate stats for 2009”

  1. great stats. I quit WOW too and I’m still here as well… Is there a pattern here? 🙂

  2. Great stuff! Always interesting and somewhat inspiring. Although my stats from Nifty Stats show 30,000 to 40,000 hits to sponsors per month, my sales are not close to what yours are. Am I reading something wrong from Stats Remote or do my Affiliate Sites just suck? Yea, tough year last couple of years. I lost a business and about $80,000.00, now it’s just trying to keep what I have.

  3. Actually you brought my attention to the fact the Stats Remote graph Y axis is off by a factor of 10 (bug I assume). My monthly traffic uniques to sponsors is around 400,000 and not 40,000 as shown, so perhaps that puts things back in perspective.

  4. Sorry, forgot to log in last time. Yes, after thinking about it, I figured that must be the case as I recall you have had around 4 Mil hits to galleries, so the 30-40K figure didn’t make sense.

  5. […] I’ve seen for making galleries and free sites.  He also reviews partner accounts, shows his stats, and share his […]

  6. How is possible, that with so few partner accounts do you have so big traffic?? From where is your traffic? Because from these submit accounts it can be. I have much more partner accounts and my traffic is much lower.

  7. What do your galleries look like? Perhaps mine get listed higher and/or have a higher CTR.

  8. Great blog Howling Wulf 🙂 Keep up the good work

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